It's a wonderful time of the contact your elected officials

At this darkest time of year with a gloomy political climate to match, your legislators and governor will appreciate hearing from the people closest to their own heart/political fate—their constituents! 

We've put together a festive funding toolkit that will make it easy to say the right thing in song or card.

Use our songsheet to let your state legislators and governor know that, while you wouldn't turn down a cup of wassail or a figgy pudding, what you're really dreaming of for 2017 is sustainable, adequate and equitable funding for Illinois' public schools:

Carols for Fair Funding

Can't make it out in this weather? This is a great opportunity for a DIY-Bob Geldof moment. Get a group of public school supporters together, record your song at home and share it online.

Here's some sample efforts from the RYH Action Choir to inspire you:

Let it Snow (No Veto) 

Joy to the World (The Override Carol) 

CPS Parent Mary Hughes wrote and recorded her own funding ballad: Rauner, did you know? (lyrics)

Uncomfortable singing to someone you need to hold accountable at the ballot box? Consider sending a holiday card via snail mail or email:

Printable card 1 (E-card 1)

Printable card 2 (E-card 2)

Printable card 3 (E-card 3)

Find contact info for all your elected officials here



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