Connect with us

Collective action is key to getting our elected officials to act on behalf of the interests of public school families. Here's three ways to get connected.

Get email updates

Sign up for our email list here to get alerts so you can take timely action on behalf of IL public schools. We demystify the legislative process, break down the issues that matter for public ed advocates and keep you informed about what's happening in Springfield that's relevant for our public schools.

Join a hub

When there's a network of constituents in a district, it means elected officials aren’t just talking to individuals; they are hearing the collective voice of public school families in their district. We can connect you to other IL Families for Public Schools advocates in your area. And we can provide you with the tools, techniques and contacts you need to grow your local network. Fill out this form to plug you into a local network near you.


IL Families for Public Schools is primarily powered by volunteers. We can accommodate all levels of involvement---whether you only have a couple minutes to call your legislators or submit a witness slip or can contribute a few hours a month to help organize a hub of fellow public ed supporters in your community or can give us an afternoon to hold a house party to spread the word and raise funds. Let us know you are interested in becoming a volunteer here.
