Updated: Neither of these bills will be heard this morning. Thanks to everyone who's filled out a slip so far.
Please take a moment to file two witness slips for bills that will be heard in one of the IL House Education Committees this morning. We are asking people to oppose HB213 and support HB1774. Detailed instructions below.
Please fill out a slip as an OPPONENT for HB213, a bill that would create a school voucher program. Read more about the problems with vouchers here.
Please fill out a slip as a PROPONENT for HB1774, a bill that would give Chicago an elected school board like every other district in IL already has. More info here.
We highly recommend creating an account on my.ilga.gov; creating an account makes it faster to fill out slips and, more importantly, lets you EDIT your slip---in case you've selected the wrong position.
Last week's ed committee hearing for these bills was cancelled shortly before it was to start. Witness slips must be refiled for new hearings or rescheduled hearings of a bill, so please fill out new slips.
Have an extra five minutes? Look up your state representative (not US!) and call them to ask them what their positions on these bills are. Urge them to oppose HB213 and support HB1774.
How to submit a witness slip
To fill out witness slips for each of these bills, go to this page and follow these instructions:
1) To right of Bill Name, Click: Notepad Icon (Pencil) ->"Create Witness slip"
2) Name, Address, City, State, Zip: Complete (no dots or abbreviations)
3) Firm/Business: "none" or "self."
4) Title: "self"
5) Email and phone: complete these lines
6) Representation: "self"
7) Position: This depends on the bill. Please see below:
For HB213 (voucher bill): Select OPPONENT
For HB1774 (CPS elected school board bill): Select PROPONENT
8) Testimony: check "RECORD of APPEARANCE"
9) CAPTCHA- fill out, (put space between words if applicable)
10) ILGA Terms of Agreement: Check box to agree
Create separate witness slips for each bill.
If you run into difficulties or have questions, email us at [email protected].