We’re co-sponsoring a series of Mayoral Candidate Meet and Greets with the group We Will. These events are an opportunity to engage with mayoral candidates directly and have your education questions asked and answered in an informal setting.
The series continues on Wed Oct 24 with Amara Enyia:
Cafe Lacuna, 2150 S Canalport Ave
Wednesday October 24, 2018
There will be food, coffee, networking, comfy legislative chats and childcare included. Please RSVP (with any children counted too).
We Will is coordinating this series with all the mayoral candidates, and RYHA is co-sponsoring. Look for info on future meet and greets here on our calendar. And like our Facebook page for the quickest way to receive the information on all the Mayoral Candidate Meet and Greets.
Veto session next month
RYHA will be heading to Springfield next month for veto session to work on a number of bills, and to see if we can get the votes for an override for Governor Rauner’s veto of our simple class-size goals bill. If you recall, this bill, HB 5421, would have set goals for class size for the state and mandated districts to report actual class size versus average. The bill passed in the House and Senate, then Rauner vetoed it in August.
If your Rep or Senator voted no, you should call them and ask them why they don’t value class size, one of the main research-backed interventions in the classroom.
You can find out how your IL House Rep voted here and how your IL Senator voted here.
Nursing at CPS
Our sister org, RYH, is working on a campaign with many parents who are not getting quality care for their kids with medical needs in the schools. If you are a parent who has a kid with a medical need, and things aren’t going well at CPS, email them at [email protected].
Here’s the third article in a series by Lauren Fitzpatrick of the Sun-Times on this issue: Mom has to stay at school with kindergartner because CPS hasn’t provided nurse.