Ever more digital data is collected about and from students in public school, and the security and privacy of this data is a major concern for parents. We would love to see robust legislation passed in Illinois that builds on the protections of our existing student privacy law in this new era of big data and ed tech. But SB1796, the Student Online Privacy Protection Act, is not that legislation.
SB1796 has already passed the IL Senate and is now under consideration in the House. Instead of expanding on protections that are already law in Illinois, SB1796 weakens them. And it prioritizes the desires of the tech industry over the needs of students.
SB1796 has a hearing in a House committee this Thursday morning. Please complete a witness slip as an OPPONENT this bill. Full instructions on how to do that below.
You can read our fact sheet on the bill here. Read about the existing IL School Student Record Act here.
Want more information about student data privacy? The national group Parent Coalition for Student Privacy has a great new toolkit for helping parents investigate and advocate on this issue.
Witness slip instructions:
1) Fill out: name, address, city, state, zip.
2) For Firm/Business, you can put "none" or "self."
3) For Title, you can put "self."
4) Fill out email and phone.
5) For Representation, you can put "self."
6) Under Position select "OPPONENT".
7) Under Testimony check "Record of Appearance."
8) Fill out the CAPTCHA.
9) Check to agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.