Legislative Agenda

Hundreds of bills are introduced in Springfield every session. Here's some of the bills that we'll be supporting or following closely during the spring 2021 session of the 102nd IL General Assembly.

Key initiative

Right to Play Every Day - SB654/HB3282 [Fact Sheet] Provides all students in public schools grades kindergarten through eighth 60 minutes of unstructured, screen-free play time every day. Time can be subdivided into breaks at least fifteen minutes long. Schools are encouraged to hold this time outdoors, but may hold it indoors. This bill is an initiative of IL Families for Public Schools. More info about the bill and how to support it on this page.

SB654 has the support of Access Living, Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood, Chicago Teachers Union, Community Organizing and Family Issues (COFI), Defending the Early Years, Illinois Association for the Education of Young Children, Illinois Federation of Teachers, Illinois Optometric Association, Legal Council for Health Justice, National Association of Social Workers - IL Chapter, Northside Action for Justice, Parents 4 Teachers, POWER-PAC IL, Raise Your Hand, Sierra Club - IL Chapter.

Other bills we support

No Videotaping for Teacher Licensure SB808 [Fact Sheet] Prohibits any requirement of submitting video of student teachers or their students in order for the student teacher to receive their license. Currently, ISBE requires student teachers to pass the edTPA an assessment for which video is uploaded and sent to Pearson, Inc. for evaluation. You can read more about the problems with the edTPA including the video component here.

Elected Representative School Board for Chicago - SB2497/HB2908 [Fact Sheet] Chicago is the only school district in the state with a mayoral appointed school board. This bill would give CPS an elected board starting in 2022 with 20 members from voting districts and one board president elected at-large. Future elections would be aligned with municipal elections starting in 2027.

Seclusion/Restraint- HB219/SB2296 Prohibits schools from placing students in isolation rooms. This legislation was addressed in response to an investigation by ProPublica and the Chicago Tribune of how students across the state were being tragically harmed by the use of seclusion. More about this legislation here

Inclusive Local School Councils - HB251/SB148 [Fact Sheet] Reduces barriers for civically engaged parents and community leaders to serve as Local School Council (LSC) members in CPS. Allows CPS to amend the LSC candidate eligibility to that of parent and community members classified as Level II volunteers while ensuring that LSC candidates are screened against the Sex Offender and Violent Offender Against Youth Databases.

LSCs for All - SB2042 Establishes elected Local School Councils for Chicago charter schools and other district-run CPS schools that currently have appointed LSCs ("ALSCs"). It also adds an appointed student member to LSCs that serve students in 7th and 8th grade but don't currently have a student member, and creates new support for LSC certification training.

Test Optional Admissions for Public Universities - HB226 Makes it optional for applications to submit a standardized test score to gain admission to any Illinois public institution of higher education. (For more information about the key role in test-optional admissions for resisting the misuse and overuse of standardized testing, see Fair Test's extensive list of resources.)

Teaching Equitable Asian American Community History (TEAACH)- HB376/SB648 [Fact Sheet] Requires every public elementary school and high school to include in its curriculum a unit of instruction studying the events of Asian American history

Contributions & History of Muslims in America Bill - HB3430/SB564 [Fact Sheet] Amends the school code to incorporate the history of Muslim-Americans into the curriculum of US History

Absences for mental health - HB576 Adds mental or behavioral health issue to list of excused absence causes by illness 

Special education maximum age extension - HB40/SB531 Extends special education services throughout the school year of a student’s 22nd birthday, rather than cutting off services on their 22nd birthday. 

Schools closed for Election Day - HB27 Replaces Columbus Day with Election Day for a state holiday. Schools would be closed for Election Day

Cost of living refund - HB2792 /SB2184 Expands and modernizing the earned income credit, which will especially help low- and middle-income families with children, including adding credit for unpaid caregivers. The failure of the Fair Tax amendment means that Illinois' tax system is still deeply regressive. Those who can pay the least, pay the most, and we can't increase revenue without hurting those who can least afford to pay. 

Indigenous Peoples Day - HB3982 Designates the second Monday in October as a new state holiday, Indigenous Peoples Day, replacing Columbus Day. IL Families for Public Schools is part of the coalition of over 80 organizations supporting this change for Illinois and Chicago.


Looking for our past legislative agendas? 2020 - 101st GA; 2019 - 101st GA; 2018 - 100th GA
