How Does Capital Spending Vary By Ward?

To no one’s surprise, the CPS appointed board unanimously passed their FY 2019 budget Wednesday, July 25, which includes a $1B capital plan that perpetuates gross inequity throughout the city.

How does CPS make decisions about capital spending? With an unelected board those decisions are not transparent. Below is data on expenditures by ward and aldermanic voting record. Also, researchers at the UIC Voorhees Center released a report that shows which wards are getting their unmet facilities needs met based on 2013 assessments. The results are really staggering. You can find the UIC Vorhees Center report here: Proposed CPS Budget Reveals Geographic Disparities in Investment.

Downloadable chart as pdf here.



WBEZ exposed gross inequities in capital spending a few weeks ago, parents testified at 3 CPS budget hearings last week, and RYH and many other community groups asked the board to halt the capital plan until CPS could come up with a long-term equitable plan that prioritized the needs of existing schools where major needs are not being met. Here is RYH's statement given to the unelected BOE the July monthly meeting.

ICYMI and worth sharing again: WBEZ reported in June that CPS has spent 60% of their capital funds on new construction and programs since 2011 ignoring the needs of many schools.


Other press coverage about the CPS FY 2019 budget:

CBS 2: Who Gets What in the New CPS Capital Budget?

WBEZ: 5 Things To Know About Chicago’s $7B Public School Budget

WTTW: Critics Say CPS Budget Promotes Inequality Across District

Sun-TimesBoard of Ed approves 2018-19 schools budget over objections

ABC 7: CPS board to consider nearly $1B capital plan


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