There was an override of the Governor’s veto on HB5175, the charter commission bill, yesterday in the House, and now it’s time to get it through in the Senate!
As you know, we’ve worked on iterations of this bill for years as we don’t think an appointed state commission should make local control decisions about where new charters are needed. The commission was set up to grant appeals to charters that are rejected by local school boards.
Find your IL state senator here and call them: “I’m a constituent and I’d like Sen ____ to vote yes on HB5175 when it’s called for an override."
We are making progress on an override of the class-size goals bill that Rauner vetoed.
Call your IL state rep and tell them to vote YES on an override of this veto of HB5481. This will likely be called in the House soon.
Thank you for your advocacy! Donate to RYHA today so we can continue our advocacy work.
RYHA needs to raise $40K by the end of the year so we can have a continued presence in Springfield.
Help us achieve that goal by becoming a monthly donor at $10/month, or more if you can do it. If we get 400 of you to give $10/month, we’ll be able to be here through the end of May! Become a monthly donor TODAY!