ACTION ALERT 3/29 hearing on LSC empowerment bill: Witness slips needed!

There is a hearing this Wednesday, March 29, in the IL House for HB3786, the LSC Empowerment Bill. Take 2 minutes to fill out a witness slip and share with your contacts.

Even if you filled out a witness slip for this bill recently, you should do so again. While this bill was on the hearing schedule previously, it did not come up for a vote and therefore the witness slip process needs to start over again.

Please see below for detailed instructions.


On Wednesday, March 29, at 8:00am, there is a Elementary & Secondary Education: Licensing, Administration, & Oversight Committee hearing on the following bill:

We are PROPONENTS of this bill. This bill, if passed, would mandate that every Chicago public school that gets public funds (including charter schools), would have a fully empowered Local School Council (LSC). This would give critical decision making power to parents and community and allow their voices to contribute towards the improvement and progress of the schools. A Fact Sheet is below and here with more information about this bill.

Here's what you need to do to fill out a witness slip for this bill. Again, this is quick. Please fill out & share this post!

Go to this page and follow the below instructions:

1) Name, Address, City, State, Zip: Complete (no dots or abbreviations)

2) Firm/Business:  "none" or "self."

3) Title: Email and phone- complete these lines

4) Email and phone: complete these lines

5) Representation: IF YOU ARE A LSC MEMBER, please use “LSC Member”. You could add type, for example: “Parent Rep”.

IF YOU ARE NOT A LSC MEMBER, please use "Self" or “CPS Parent”, “CPS Teacher”, “CPS Community”, “CPS Principal” if any of these apply.

6) Position: Select HCA 2 for the Description from the drop down box and identify yourself as a PROPONENT.


7) Testimony:  check "RECORD of APPEARANCE"

8) CAPTCHA- fill out, (put space between words if applicable)

9) ILGA Terms of Agreement: Check box to agree

NOTE: If you would like to provide written testimony, please contact Rod Wilson for assistance: 773 231 3282.

If you run into difficulties, you can email us at [email protected].

The volume of witness slips signifies the level of public support or opposition to bills to committee members. Once you get the hang of it this is a quick way to indicate your position. (You can also create an account on site to make filling out and tracking your witness slips even faster.)?

Thank you for your advocacy!

Want to do more advocacy on this one?

Please call committee members, as well as your own representative, Monday & Tuesday to ask them to support and co-sponsor this bill.  If you do not reach them please leave a message with their assistant to request their support and follow up later in the day.  If you are able you can also email them the fact sheet.

Below is a list of committee Members- click on name to get contact information.

NOTE: Sue Scherer and Katie Stuart are priority calls.*

Chairperson: Rita Mayfield D

*Vice-Chairperson: Sue Scherer D

Republican Spokesperson :John Cavaletto R

Member:Linda Chapa LaVia D

Member:Elizabeth Hernandez D

Member:Jeanne M Ives R

Member:David S. Olsen R

Member:Robert W. Pritchard R

*Member:Katie Stuart D



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