ACTION ALERT 1.29.18: Fund public schools before diverting $ to vouchers

The IL General Assembly is back in session this week, and there's an important bill on the agenda in the Senate Education Committee this Tuesday, Jan. 30th for supporters of public schools and the common good.

The bill, SB2236 (Chief Sponsor Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant), says that no money can be distributed for the new voucher (aka "tax credit scholarship") program unless the state meets the funding levels for public schools required by the recent school funding reform bill.

You can register your support for SB2236 in the hearing by filling out a witness slip online as a PROPONENT before Tuesday afternoon.

Here's more detail on filling out a witness slip if you haven't done one before:

  1. Fill out: name, address, city, state, zip.
  2. For Firm/Business, you can put "none" or "self."
  3. For Title, you can put "self."
  4. Fill out email and phone.
  5. For Representation, you can put "self."
  6. Under Position select "PROPONENT".
  7. Under Testimony check "Record of Appearance Only."
  8. Fill out the CAPTCHA.
  9. Check to agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.

(Witness slip submission is a quick and easy way to let legislators know of your support or opposition to legislation; if you create an account on the My ILGA site, you can track your slips and speed up filling them out.)



[Image via Creative Commons]

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