LSC Elections take place this week! Below are some important things you need to know.
Dates and Times
Wednesday, April 18, 6am - 7pm: LSC Elections at CPS elementary schools
Thursday, April 19, 6am - 7pm: LSC Elections at CPS high schools
Tips for candidates: Call the school and confirm the election date for your school. Also ask the school for the hours of conferences- that is when the most parents (voters) will be coming to the school; if you are interested in flyering or introducing yourself, these are the best times. (See the 2018 LSC Election Guide for rules on this. Starts on p. 21.) The third thing to ask is where in the school the LSC voting will take place- important information to share with voters.
Any parent or resident of the school attendance area or voting district can vote. Find the voting district tool here.
You do not have to be a citizen or registered voter to vote in a CPS LSC election.
Voters need to bring 2 forms of ID. (1 form of ID if you are listed as a parent of a child at the school.) You can find accepted forms of ID in the 2018 LSC Election Guide p. 17.
Parent and community voters can vote for UP TO 5 candidates. They can vote for fewer than 5 but not more than 5. Parent and community voters can vote for a combination of parent and community candidates. The below is a screen shot from the 2018 LSC Election Guide p. 16.
According to this video produced by CPS in 2012 and embedded at the bottom of the current CPS LSC Elections page, voters should use an "X" when casting their votes. Here is a quote directly from the video (8:10): "You must have 2 lines that intersect within the box itself for the ballot to be considered a valid vote." In other words, you must place an X in the box for the person you are voting for and that X must have intersecting lines within the box. The screenshot below is from the video (8:30).
Tip for candidates: View the ballot for accuracy and read the ballot instructions carefully. Share the instructions with voters. Advise voters to read, follow the instructions carefully, and use an X (with intersecting lines inside the box.)
Who else is running & what about possible vacancies?
Use this CPS link to find a list of LSC candidates at your schools.
People elected to LSCs on April 18 or 19 will take office in July 2018. The current LSC is in office through June 30, 2018. If a school did not have enough candidates running for office, then in July of 2018 the LSC will have vacancies. LSCs have a lot of discretion in how they fill vacancies - they appoint people to fill them. If you are interested in being appointed to fill a vacancy or know someone else who might be interested, we suggest that you start attending monthly LSC meetings and during public comment express your desire to serve and ask what procedure the LSC will use to fill any vacancies. From now through June 2018 you will be speaking to the current LSC members, who may or may not be on the new LSC in July 2018, but you will be learning about the LSC and making it public to any current members who are re-elected and to anyone else in attendance at the LSC meeting, that you are interested in serving.
Useful links:
Recent articles
City Bureau: The Lowdown on Local School Councils
Sun-Times: Majority of CPS schools don’t have enough Local School Council candidates
CPS’ LSC Election webpage with timeline and paperwork as well as other resources
2018 LSC Election Guide which contains details on the LSC election process
2018 LSC Election Guide in Spanish
About the LSC Voting Process video produced by CPS in 2012 and used for LSC Election Judge Training
CPS Office of Local School Council Relations webpage
LSC Elections 2016: Search for your school to view unofficial election results from the 2016 election
Let us know if you have questions: [email protected].
We wish you the best this week and we truly appreciate your dedication to public education! Please let us know if you'd like to participate in our Springfield Lobby Day on May 9 by RSVPing here. We would also love to see you at our upcoming fundraiser, Spring Into Action!, supporting our pro-public education agenda.